Thursday, August 30, 2012

How a program founded in insecurity became a ‘giant leap for mankind’ - The Globe and Mail

How a program founded in insecurity became a ‘giant leap for mankind’ - The Globe and Mail: "Going to the moon would evoke in America the same spirit that had mapped the oceans and built skyscrapers. It was bigger than building the Erie Canal, the Panama Canal, the transcontinental railways or the Interstate Highway System. It would cost lives (three astronauts burned to death on a launch pad in 1967,) it would drive industrial innovation (rockets, lunar vehicles, communications) and it would cost the earth: some $25-billion (U.S.), or $151-billion in 2010 dollars. According to scholar John M. Logsdon, it was the largest peacetime public project in U.S. history."

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The Kony-ification of Pussy Riot - Joshua Foust - The Atlantic

"Feminist punk music and art are great, but they are not the solutions to this particular problem, and pretending that they are takes attention away from more worthwhile efforts. Pussy Riot might have made punk music, but they got themselves imprisoned for an act of political dissent. Their unjust imprisonment doesn't necessarily make anything done in their name -- or, particularly, in the name of their punk music -- a step forward for Russian political rights."
The Kony-ification of Pussy Riot - Joshua Foust - The Atlantic: "Feminist punk music and art are great, but they are not the solutions to this particular problem, and pretending that they are takes attention away from more worthwhile efforts. Pussy Riot might have made punk music, but they got themselves imprisoned for an act of political dissent. Their unjust imprisonment doesn't necessarily make anything done in their name -- or, particularly, in the name of their punk music -- a step forward for Russian political rights."

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

BBC News - Family trees: Tracing the world's ancestor

We are all related, after all, brother. So it's not surprising that any two people in any one country probably won't need to go back many generations before finding a common ancestor. BBC News - Family trees: Tracing the world's ancestor:

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Sunday, August 12, 2012

Deploying Informants, the FBI Stings Muslims | The Nation

Deploying Informants, the FBI Stings Muslims | The Nation: "Within a year of the 9/11 attacks, the FBI had reassigned nearly half its field office positions formerly devoted to the “war on drugs” to the new “war on terror” and launched nearly 3,000 new counterterrorism investigations. Since then, the bureau has been increasingly devoted to counterterrorism efforts: its current $8.1 billion budget allocates $4.9 billion to intelligence and counterterrorism, approximately $1.7 billion more than all other federal crimes combined."

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fear and Loathing of Islam | The Nation

A 2011 Gallup survey found that American Muslims were the least likely of any major US religious group to consider attacks on civilians justified

Fear and Loathing of Islam | The Nation: " a 2011 Gallup survey found that American Muslims were the least likely of any major US religious group to consider attacks on civilians justified"

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How Leopold Munyakazi's Hiring Challenged Goucher College's Good Intentions -- New York Magazine

"I’m no longer sure the two are very different, or that the sincerity of our humanitarian impulses can ever be reliable proof of the worthiness of our actions. But I find it difficult to accept that we must all simply suspend judgment and take the world as we find it. Ignorance is its own kind of exile."

Read the rest at:

How Leopold Munyakazi's Hiring Challenged Goucher College's Good Intentions -- New York Magazine:

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